Our Blog

Our <span>Blog</span>
Meet the Gems behind SocialJems
Find out more about our Marketing team and why you should choose us.
June Newsletter
Instagram hashtags, Threads marketing a our new social shizzle service!
LinkedIn changes and what it means for your presence!
You’re going to want to hear about these LinkedIn updates, especially when it comes to your online presence.
May Newsletter: Surviving May and Social Media Updates
Welcome to May, you've survived another month! Think we all deserve a treat, or a medal.
Ready to Sparkle in the Digital World? The Benefits of Partnering with Us!
In the world of business, marketing is crucial for success. So, you know the deal – reaching your people, getting your name out there, and raking in those sales, it's all part of the game.
April Newsletter
Social media updates, Networking events, and welcoming you to April.
Unleash your insta-potential
Are you ready to boost your follower count and become the next big business on Instagram?
March Newsletter
The rising visibility of suggested posts and the return of The Social Games.
How you can market your business on TikTok in 2024
TikTok: Where boldness meets banter. 😀