July Newsletter

July <span>Newsletter</span>

July Newsletter

No social media newsletter worth its salt would begin this month without talking about the New Kid On The Block… yes, Threads.

Now, we are not going to talk about strategy or plans etc as frankly, it’s so new and basic that there are no plans or strategy. The burning question for us is this:

  • If you write a Tweet, you have Tweeted. 
  • If you write a Thread, have you Threaded? Threading? Threadadoodle?
  • If anyone knows the answer to this, please let us know, it’s driving us bonkers!


As ever, Jem has some fantastic training up her sleeve for you this month, all about outreach. Now, if you’ve been here more than 20 seconds, you’ll know what our views are on cold pitches. Yes, vomit inducing, and we don’t do them. But if you say “outreach” to someone, chances are this is what they will be thinking of. But outreach is MUCH more than that. Done properly it builds communities, networks, and keeps you front of mind. You don’t need to sell, spam, or attempt to “slide into the DMs”. You simply have to know how to message people in a friendly, open way that builds a conversation and therefore trust. And Jem is going to show you how! Come along on WEDNESDAY JULY 26th at 12pm! 


Threads aside, and its (current) 150 million users, what else is happening in the social media world?

💎LinkedIn have given post suggestions on company pages, so if you are feeling the old writer’s block, this might help. Have you used it yet? How did you find it? 

💎 Instagram now lets us collaborate with up to 3 people for each post we write. The benefit here is that the more people we collaborate with, the more feeds our content gets distributed to. We are loving this as collaboration is the best tool (and usually free) for driving social media success. 

💎Facebook now allows you to select a cover for your reel! Yes, you can customise those videos a little more now. 

💎Are you using WhatsApp for your business? Meta have added a “click to message” option to adverts on reels, aiming to drive conversation even more.

Now, Meta is looking like the powerhouse here, as it has Instagram, Facebook, Threads and WhatsApp. But remember, the ease of setting up a Threads account and the ability to transfer Instagram followings to it has made its roll out very easy. Hashtags do not work on Threads and there are no adverts; in short, it’s too early to see what will happen. Our strategy at the moment here is to sit tight and watch. 


The end of the school year has brought tears to Jem’s eyes as she read the glowing reports from the school about how well Charlie has done. You won’t be surprised to learn he is just like his amazing Mum! The kitchen has been wrapped (vinyl wrapped we mean!) and Jem is loving the new antique white and green look. A lick of new paint on the wall and another room in the new house is complete! It’s been a full-on busy month for Jem who navigated 6 trains and a 7 journey to attend a yacht party! Yes, an actual yacht! The pictures say it all…she had a blast! A quick weekend away and a spot of house painting and Jem is now resting. Place your bets on how long this will last! She is like Tigger on sugar….never stops! 

Sarah has been waging war on weeds. However, every time she set foot outside, it rained. Or there was a thunderstorm. It also became apparent that her brilliant idea of soap to kill the weeds was not so brilliant …. yes, a yard full of foamy bubbles ensued! But our Bostock had the last laugh and whilst the weather was busy elsewhere, she spent 6 hours pulling up weeds. In non-gardening related news, the pull of the sea remains strong and Sarah has been dipping in it whenever possible, and whenever her posts are not trending on LinkedIn News! We are all super proud of her, and even more so now we have established that being in the sea in a storm is NOT a good idea. 

Anna has been getting to grips with the fact that Eloise is now 5!! And has discovered that 20 kids in a non-air-conditioned soft play centre is actually akin to Hell on earth. Reports of her wearing an ice pack in her top for the duration of the birthday party are true. With summer holidays only a few days away she is up to her eyes in plans for juggling work and Tiddlypud and sends solidarity to all parents with small children who also have to work from home. 

See you next month, love from The SocialJems x